The Professional Golfers’ Association is launching a multi channel, integrated social media and PR campaign aimed at encouraging more women and girls to play golf.
The campaign - We Love Golf - will highlight the female focussed programmes already being delivered by PGA Professionals across the world and give women interested in taking up golf the means to access them easily. It will also use PR and Social Media to share the fascinating success stories and positive experiences of women who already love the game as a means to encourage more women to try it for themselves.
Throughout the coming months The PGA will be creating exciting content that reflects new research on the benefits that women associate with the game. Friendship, health and fitness and time spent ‘getting away from it all’ are just some of the reasons cited[1]. This activity will be supported with a social media campaign using the hashtag #WeLoveGolf.
Robert Maxfield, Chief Executive of The PGA explained: ”Golf is a wonderful game, for many reasons, and it is essential that The PGA continues to shine a light on this. We want to drive public interest in the game amongst women and girls, create easily accessible information about golf and then connect more and more of them with PGA Professionals who are already successfully delivering thousands of hours of coaching”.
Golf communities used to exist within the four walls of the golf club, but in this day and age social media allows communities to thrive and develop elsewhere. This is why the We Love Golf campaign has a social media space for women at its heart. The campaign Facebook page will allow the existing female golf community to share their love of golf, address some of the common misconceptions – such as needing a handicap to play - and show the diversity that already exists within the game.
The Facebook page will also showcase the male and female PGA Professionals who continue to encourage women to discover this fantastic game. The page will be populated with content that presents golf in a relaxed, fun way and answer some of the frequently asked questions. There will also be a call to action which will link women to PGA Members who are already delivering successful beginner programmes for women.
Dr Jonathan Wright, Golf Development Executive at The PGA, concluded: “There are thousands of women across Great Britain & Ireland who love to play golf, most of whom will have started to play with the help of a PGA Professional. Research shows that women do want to play golf, but that interest doesn’t necessarily convert into participation because they may not know where to start. We Love Golf bridges that gap.”
The We Love Golf campaign will run throughout the year with plans in place to deliver related social media activity at major golf events. Follow @ThePGA on twitter and instagram using the #WeLoveGolf for more information.
[1] End of Year 2017: SMS INC core golfer survey