England Golf has today invited applications from all affiliated clubs and facilities to The R&A's Covid-19 Support Fund.
In agreement with The R&A, a sum of £2,555,000 has been made available to clubs in England hit hard by the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic.
From today, clubs and facilities can now register their interest in the fund and begin the application process.
Each club/facility may apply for a grant of up to £10,000.
The idea behind the fund and how to apply was outlined in a letter sent to all affiliated clubs and facilities today by England Golf CEO, Jeremy Tomlinson.
“May I take this opportunity to thank The R&A for supporting the club and amateur game through this fund and you, the clubs, for all your efforts over the past few difficult months,” wrote Tomlinson.
“The spirit of community, dedication to the game, a willingness to find solutions in unprecedented times and your support of England Golf’s notes of guidance have been crucial to golf playing a prominent role in the nation’s sporting recovery.
“The purpose of the fund is to provide short-term financial support to clubs and facilities as they develop a resilient business strategy and then plan for future sustainability.
“Our aim will be to support as many applications as possible with consideration given to those applicants who have a clear financial need and can outline an ongoing impact from grants received.”
The fund has been welcomed as a means to help clubs build for a brighter future.
Clubs and facilities applying to the fund will be asked to commit to England Golf’s policies on safeguarding and equality.
Applications opened today (Wednesday 8 July) and will close at 4pm on Friday 31 July.
Clubs will discover the outcome of applications from week commencing 24 August and monies will start to be distributed during September.